Posts Tagged ‘human capacity’

Culture and Human Capacities

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Part of my work has been to study, collect, and apply a portion of the inventory of human capacities as they have developed around the world under different environmental and social conditions. How Africans walk and think and celebrate spirit, how the Chinese teach and study and paint, how Inuit people experience vivid three dimensional inner imagery, how the Balinese learn to perform any manner of artistic endeavor so rapidly and with such high craft, how a tribe along the Amazon raises happy and non-neurotic children, why certain children in India raised amidst traditional music develop extraordinary skill in mathematics–these are capacities no longer limited to place and culture. In this new world of hybrid vigor, all these potentials once nurtured in separate societies are now available to the entire family of humankind.


Mystery School – the Last Year

Thursday, May 26th, 2011

As many of you know this year will be the final one for the mystery school, so anyone interested should look into attending one or more of the remaining sessions. It is designed to help people everywhere to be creative and active stewards at this time of extraordinary change and challenge. The Mystery School offers methods and trainings that extend body, mind, and soul in essential ways for those committed to making a profound difference in self, society, and the world.


Redesigning Ourselves

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

For decades I have been working full time to discover the underlying codes of how to live a truly remarkable life. From my research and travels all over the world, I have guided thousands of research subjects and well over a million seminar participants to redesign themselves as more possible humans. A tragic discovery is that we humans endure the loss of many exquisite abilities, and many balanced and beautiful ways of functioning have become distorted, inhibited, or blocked. Since we humans are infinitely variable, so too the losses are different from person to person, and from culture to culture. But few of us have escaped serious crippling. Almost everybody is much less than he or she has the capacity to be. Enough of this!
